Membership Directory

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*President information will be added when the ICNDT Members Page has been completed.

Status Country Organization President Address TEL / FAX MAIL / HP
- Algeria CRTI   Centre de Recherche en Technologies Industrielles Route de Dely Ibrahim BP64 Cheraga Telephone: Algeria (+213) 2-136-1850
Fax: Algeria (+213) 2-136-1850
- Argentina AAENDE   Asociación Argentina de Ensayos No Destructivos y Estructurales Av. Del Libertador 8250 1429 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Telephone: Argentina (+54) 11-6772-7429
Fax: Argentina (+54) 11-6772-7431
- Australia AINDT   Australian Institute for NDT PO Box 52, Parkville 3052 Victoria Telephone: Australia (+61) 3-9328-8831
Fax: Australia (+61) 3-9328-8787
- Austria ÖGfZP   Austrian Society for NDT Jochen-Rindt-Straße 33 1230 Vienna Telephone: Austria (+43) 1-514-07-6011
Fax: Austria (+43) 1-514-07-76011
- Bangladesh BSNDT   Bangladesh Society for NDT c/o NDT Division, Atomic Energy Centre, 4 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Ramna 1000 Dhaka Telephone: Bangladesh (+880) 2-9669828
Fax: Bangladesh (+880) 2-8617946
- Belarus BANDT   Belarusian Association for NDT and TD Akademicheskaya 16 220072 Minsk Telephone: Belarus (+375) 17-284-1794
Fax: Belarus (+375) 17-284-1794
- Belgium BANT   Belgian Association for NDT Rue Bruynstraat 51 B-1120 Brussels Telephone: Belgium (+32) 478-20-56-42
Fax: Belgium (+32) 87-22-61-31
- Bolivia ASBOSENDIC   Asociación Boliviana de Soldadura, Ensayos No Destructivos, Inspección y Corrosión Avenida Uyuni 1181/3J, Edificio Guadalupe Cochabamba Telephone: Bolivia (+591) 7-1729605
Fax: Bolivia (+591) 4-4010051
- Bosnia and Herzegovina   Bosnian and Herzegovinan Society for NDT Tvomicka 3 71000 Sarajevo-Ilidza, BiH Telephone: Bosnia Herzegovina (+387) 71-543-370
Fax: Bosnia Herzegovina (+387) 71-543-370
- Brazil ABENDI   Associação Brasileira de Ensaios Não Destrutivos e Inspeção Avenida Onze de Junho, 1.317, Vila Clementino 04041-054 São Paulo-SP Telephone: Brazil (+55) 11-5586-3199
Fax: Brazil (+55) 11-5581-1164
- Bulgaria BGSNDT   Bulgarian Association for NDT Boncher Str, Bl 4 off 502 1113 Sofia Telephone: Bulgaria (+359) 2979-7120
Fax: Bulgaria (+359) 2979-7120
- Canada CINDE   Canadian Institute for NDE 135 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton L9C 0E5 Ontario Telephone: Canada (+1) 905-387-1655
Fax: Canada (+1) 905-574-6080
- The People's Republic of China ChSNDT   Chinese Society for NDT Floor 6, No 100 Huihe Road 200437 Shanghai Telephone: China (+86) 21-6555-0277
Fax: China (+86) 21-6555-0277
- Colombia ACOSEND   Asociación Colombiana de Soldadura y Ensayos No Destructivos Carrera 16 25 No 41-08 Santafe de Bogotá D.C. Telephone: Colombia (+57) 1-400-8193
Fax: Colombia (+57) 1-268-8034
- Costa Rica   National Committee for NDT c/o Inst Tec Costa Rica, Apartado 159 Cartago Telephone: Costa Rica (+506) 552-5333
Fax: Costa Rica (+506) 551-5348
- Croatia CrSNDT   Croatian Society for NDT Berislaviċeva 6 HR-10000 Zagreb Telephone: Croatia (+385) 01-6040-451
Fax: Croatia (+385) 01-6157-129
- Czech Republic CNDT   Czech Society for NDT Technickà 2 CZ 616 69 Brno Telephone: Czech Republic (+42) 5-4114-3229
- Denmark   Danish Society for NDT Park alle 345 DK-2605 Brøndby Telephone: Denmark (+45) 40-61-30-90
Fax: Denmark (+45) 43-26-70-11
- Ecuador ESPOL   Escuela Politecnica del Litoral PO Box 09-01-5863 Guayaquil Telephone: Ecuador (+593) 422-32093
Fax: Ecuador (+593) 426-42588
- Egypt ESNT   Egyptian Society for NDT 1st Floor, Primary Building, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University Cairo Telephone: Egypt (+20) 2-33456809
- Egypt   Egyptian Society for Industrial Inspection 3a Moaskar Romany Street, Rushdy Alexandria Telephone: Egypt (+20) 3-546-4888
Fax: Egypt (+20) 3-545-4299
- Finland fiNDT   Finnish Society for Non-Destructive Testing c/o Tillinmäentie 3 Tila A113, FI-02330, Espoo Telephone: Finland (+358) 400-401-169
- France   COFREND 64 Rue Ampère 75017 Paris Telephone: France (+33) 144-19-76-18
Fax: France (+33) 130-16-24-54
- Germany DGZfP   German Society for Non-Destructive Testing Max-Planck-Strasse 6 D-12489 Berlin Telephone: Germany (+49) 30-678-07-0
Fax: Germany (+49) 30-678-07-109
- Greece HSNT   Hellenic Society of NDT PO Box 64066, Zographou 15710 Athens Telephone: Greece (+30) 21-0-772-3759
Fax: Greece (+30) 21-0-772-3759
- Hungary MAROVISZ   Hungarian Association for NDT 206 Üllői Str, Budapest, H-1191 H-1191 Budapest Telephone: Hungary (+36) 1-278-0632
Fax: Hungary (+36) 1-278-0633
- India ISNT   Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing Modules 60 & 61, 3rd Floor, Garmant Complex, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Giundy 600032 Chennai, Tamilnadu Telephone: India (+91) 44-2250-0412
Fax: India (+91) 44-2250-0412
- Indonesia AUTRI   Indonesian Society for NDT (Asosiasi Uji Tak Rusak Indonesia) c/o PATIR-BATAN, Jalan Lebak Bulus Raya 49, Pasar Jumat 12440 Jakarta Telephone: Indonesia (+62) 21-97959235
Fax: Indonesia (+62) 21-7691607
- Iran IRNDT   Iranian Society for Nondestructive Testing Room 227, 2nd Floor, Allameh Univ. Bldg., Aban St. North, Karimkhan-e-Zand Ave Tehran Telephone: Iran (+98) 21-81032225
Fax: Iran (+98) 21-81032200
- Iran IWNT   Iranian Institute of Welding and Non-Destructive Testing No. 227-Second Floor -Allameh Building -North Aban-Karim Khan Zand Ave Tehran Telephone: Iran (+98) 889-31783
Fax: Iran (+98) 810-32227
- Israel ISRANDT   Israeli National Society for NDT 34 Hayarkon St 50297 Yavne Telephone: Israel (+972) 3-960-55-59
Fax: Israel (+972) 3-960-41-60
- Italy AIPnD ETS   Italian Society for Non-Destructive Testing Monitoring Diagnostics Via Corfù, 48 25124 Brescia (Italy) Telephone: Italy (+39) 030-37-39-173
Fax: Italy (+39) 030-37-39-176
- Japan JSNDI   Smith John Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection Tachibana Annex Building 10th Floor, 2-25-14 Kameido, Koto-ku 136-0071 Tokyo Telephone: Japan (+81) 3-5609-4011
Fax: Japan (+81) 3-5609-4061
- Kazakhstan KANKTD   Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostic Association, Republic of Kazakhstan Saryarka 37 010000 Аstana Telephone: Kazakhstan (+7) 7172-481758
Fax: Kazakhstan (+7) 7172-481759
- Kenya NDTSK   Non-Destructive Testing Society of Kenya PO Box 34284, Bunyala Road 00-100 Nairobi Telephone: Kenya (+254) 20-272-1376
Fax: Kenya (+254) 20-272-1389
- Korea KSNT   Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing 635-4, Yeoksam-dong, KOFST Center Suite 903, Gangnam-gu 137-703 Seoul Telephone: Korea South (+82) 2-583-7564
Fax: Korea South (+82) 2-582-2743
- Latvia   Latvian NDT Scoiety Vesetas 10-18 LV-1013 Riga Telephone: Latvia (+371) 2927-9466
Fax: Latvia (+371) 6782-0303
- Lebanon IRI   Industrial Research Institute IRI Building, Lebanese University Campus Hadath (Baabda) Telephone: Lebanon (+961) 5-467-831
Fax: Lebanon (+961) 5-467-831
- Lithuania LNBD   Lithuanian Society for NDT and Technical Diagnostics Studentu st 50 LT-51368 Kaunas Telephone: Lithuania (+370) 37-35-11-62
Fax: Lithuania (+370) 37-45-14-89
- Malaysia MSNT   Malaysian Society of NDT c/o Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Kompleks Puspati, Bangi 43000 Kajang Telephone: Malaysia (+60) 19-351-4212
Fax: Malaysia (+60) 3-892-50907
- Mexico IMENDE   Instituto Mexicano De Ensayos No Destructivos A.C. Ruben M Campos no 2651, Colonia Villa de Cortes, Delegacion Benito Juarez CP 03530 Mexico D.F. Telephone: Mexico (+52) 555-579-6629
Fax: Mexico (+52) 555-579-9159
- Moldova AN NTD   National Society on NDT and Technical Diagnostics 20 Meshterul Manole St MD-2044 Kishinev Telephone: Moldova (+373) 22-47-21-45
Fax: Moldova (+373) 22-47-35-28
- Mongolia MSNDT   Mongolian Society for NDT MTU Campus-2, Room X302, Sukhbaatar Duureg, PO Box 46/943 Ulaan Baatar Telephone: Mongolia (+976) 9919-2343
Fax: Mongolia (+976) 1-324121
- Morocco COMEND   Confédération Marocaine pour les Essais No Destructifs Casablanca High School of Technology (ESTC), Km7, Road to El Jadida BP 8012 Casablanca Telephone: Morocco (+212) 250-325
- Netherlands KINT   Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kwaliteitstoezicht, Inspectie en Niet-destructieve Techniek Krombraak 13 4906 CR Oosterhout Telephone: Netherlands (+31) 653-351073
- New Zealand NZNDTA   New Zealand Nondestructive Testing Association Inc c/o HERA House PO Box 76134 Manukau City, Auckland Telephone: New Zealand (+64) 9-292-5895
- Nigeria   Nigerian Society for NDT c/o Gammatec Portharcourt Telephone: Nigeria (+234) 846-11027
- Norway NSNDT   Norwegian NDT Society NDT-foreningen, Postboks 76 N-1378 Nesbru Telephone: Norway (+47) 64-00-36-52
- Pakistan PASNT   Pakistan Society for NDT c/o National Centre for NDT (NCNDT), Plot No 234, Street 7, Sector I-9/2, Industrial Area, PO Box No 1781 Islamabad Telephone: 92-51-9258-538
Fax: 92-51-9258-642
- Philippines PSNT   Philippine Society for Nondestructive Testing Inc c/o Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman Quezon City Telephone: Philippines (+63) 2-491-63-53
Fax: Philippines (+63) 2-920-87-77
- Poland PTBNIDT / SIMP   Polish Society for NDT and Technical Diagnostics Swietokrzyska 14a 00-050 Warsaw Telephone: Poland (+48) 22-826-45-55
Fax: Poland (+48) 22-826-03-54
- Portugal RELACRE   Associação de Laboratórios Acreditados de Portugal Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, Campus do Lumiar – Edificio D, 1º Andar 1649-038 Lisboa Telephone: Portugal (+351) 213-139-840
Fax: Portugal (+351) 213-139-841
- Romania ARoENd   Romanian Association of NDT 7 Soldanului St, Bloc 137, Sc A, Apt 4, Sector 4 CP 41-126 Bucharest Sector 1 042042 Bucharest Telephone: Romania (+40) 21-332-5843
Fax: Romania (+40) 21-332-5843
- Russian Federation RSNTTD   The Russian Society for NDT and Technical Diagnostics 35 Usacheva str bld 1 119048 Moscow Telephone: Russia (+7) 499-245-5656
Fax: Russia (+7) 499-246-8888
- Serbia SDIBR   Serbian Society for NDT Bulevar vojvode Misica 43 (kancelarija br. 123) 11000 Belgrade Telephone: Serbia (+381) 11-265-3017
Fax: Serbia (+381) 11-285-0648
- Singapore NDTSS   Non-Destructive Testing Society (Singapore) #02-21, 9 Jurong Town Hall Road 609 431 Singapore Telephone: Singapore (+65) 257-0327
- Slovakia SSNDT   Slovak Society for Non-Destructive Testing Kocelova 15 815 94 Bratislava 3 Telephone: Slovak Republic (+421) 917-715-189
- Slovenia SSNDT   Slovenian Society for NDT Aškerčeva 6, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana 1000 Ljubljana Telephone: Slovenia (+386) 1-477-1203
Fax: Slovenia (+386) 1-477-1225
- South Africa SAINT   South African Institute for NDT PO Box 76068 0040 Lynnwood Ridge Telephone: South Africa (+27) 060-000-0708
Fax: South Africa (+27) 86-582-8342
- Spain AEND   Associacion Española de END Calle Bocangel, 28 - 2° izda E-28028 Madrid Telephone: Spain (+34) 91-361-25-85
Fax: Spain (+34) 91-361-47-61
- Sri Lanka SNDT   Society for Non Destructive Testing, Sri Lanka 977/18, Bulugaha Junction, Kandy Road Kelaniya Telephone: Sri Lanka (+94) 11-298-7854
Fax: Sri Lanka (+94) 11-298-7851
- Sudan SSNDT   Sudanese Society for Non-Destructive Testing Sudanese Petroleum Pipelines Co, Amarat, Street 29 Khartoum Telephone: Sudan (+249) 9-121-40615
- Sweden FOP   Swedish Society for NDT (Föreningen för Oförstörande Provning) c/o CSM NDT Certification AB, Artilleriplan 4 S 691 50 Karlskoga Telephone: Sweden (+46) 586-81171
Fax: Sweden (+46) 586-84810
- Switzerland SGZP / SSNT   Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (Swiss Society for Nondestructive Testing) Dübendorf CH-8600 Telephone: Switzerland (+41) 79-818-14-99
Fax: Switzerland (+41) 44-877-62-13
- Taiwan SNTCT   The Society for Nondestructive Testing & Certification of Taiwan No 27, Zhongzheng East Road, Freshwater District Xinbei City Telephone: Taiwan (+886) 2-8809-8027
Fax: Taiwan (+886) 2-8809-8026
- Thailand TSNT   Thai Society for NDT c/o N.D.T. Inspection Co Ltd, 242/167 Soi Vibhavadi – Rangsid 82 Vibhavadi Rd 10210 Bangkok Telephone: Thailand (+66) 02-996-9644
Fax: Thailand (+66) 02-996-9648
- Tunisia COTEND   Tunisian Committee for NDT c/o CETIME Z I Ksar Said 2086 Douar Hicher Manouba Telephone: Tunisia (+216) 701-46023
Fax: Tunisia (+216) 701-46070
- Turkey TURK NDT   The Turkish Society for Nondestructive Testing Tahribatsiz Muayene Dernegi, Keresteciler Sitesi E, Blok No 5 06370 Ostim/Ankara Telephone: Turkey (+90) 530-173-4834
Fax: Turkey (+90) 312-210-2518
- Ukraine USNDT   Ukrainian Society for Non-Destructive Testing Bozhenko 11 03680 Kiev Telephone: Ukraine (+380) 44-200-4666
Fax: Ukraine (+380) 44-205-3166
- United Kingdom BINDT   The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road NN1 5NX Northampton Telephone: 1604-438300
Fax: 1604-438301
- Uruguay AENDUR   Asociaciòn Uruguaya de Ensayos No Destructivos Plaza Independencia, 812 piso 2 11100 Montevideo Telephone: Uruguay (+598) 2-901-2048
Fax: Uruguay (+598) 2-902-681
- USA ASNT   The American Society for Nondestructive Testing 1711 Arlingate Lane, PO Box 28518 OH43228-0518 Columbus Telephone: 614-274-6003
Fax: 614-274-6899
- Uzbekistan UzSNDT   Uzbekistan Society for Non-Destructive Testing 179A Baku Street 100076 Tashkent Telephone: Uzbekistan (+7) 79-227-6044
- Venezuela ASOVEND   Venezolana de Ensayos No Destructivos Escuela de Ingeniería Metalurgica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciudad Universitaria (UCV), Entrada del Clínico, Paseo Los Ilustres, nivel Mezzanina, Caracas, Apatado Postal 47533 1041A Caracas Telephone: Venezuela (+58) 212-6933-323
Fax: Venezuela (+58) 212-6933-323
- Vietnam VANDT   Vietnam Association for NDT 46 Nguyen Van Ngoc, Ba Dinh Ha Noi Telephone: Vietnam (+84) 4-7661-796
Fax: Vietnam (+84) 4-7663-258