ICNDT Advisory Committee(IAC)
The Policy and General Purposes Committee is a strategic committee nominated by ICNDT with the precise tasks of establishing the strategy that ICNDT shall apply in developing its activities, execute the policies decided by the full International Committee, prepare papers and present to the full International Committee for approval.
Role | Name | |
ICNDT Chair | Dr. Sajeesh K Babu | chairman@icndt.org |
General Secretary | Mr. David J Gilbert | gensec@icndt.org |
Immediate Past Chair | Dr. Mike Farley | mike.farley@icndt.org |
Membership Chair | Mr. Joao Conte | joao.conte@abendi.org.br |
WCNDT President | Mr. Prof. Younho Cho | mechcyh@pusan.ac.kr |
Regional Representatives - African | Mr. Harold Jansen | harold.jansen@saiw.co.za |
Regional Representatives - African | Dr. Kamal Sahaimi | comend@comend.ma |
Regional Representatives - Asia-Pacific | Dr. Norikazu Ooka | nori-ooka@rio.odn.ne.jp |
Regional Representatives - Asia-Pacific | Dr. Jong Po Lee | jplee@ansco.kr |
Regional Representatives - European | Mr. Fermin Gómez Fraile | fgfraile@gmail.com |
Regional Representatives - European | Mr. Alexander Mullin | mullin@ndt-rus.ru |
Regional Representatives - Pan American | Mr. Cesar Belinco | belinco@cnea.gov.ar |
Regional Representatives - Pan American | Mr. Neal Couture | ncouture@asnt.org |
Honorary Member | Mr. Gerhard Aufricht | gerhard.aufricht@mittli.at |
Honorary Member | Dr. Sajeesh K. Babu | skbabu@ndtss.org.sg |
Honorary Member | Ms. Sharon Bond | s.bond@cinde.ca |
Honorary Member | Mr. Joao Conte | joao.conte@abendi.org.br |
Honorary Member | Dr. Mike Farley | mfarleyconsulting@btinternet.com |
Honorary Member | Dr. Rongsheng Geng | gengrs@sohu.com |
Honorary Member | Mr. David J Gilbert | david.gilbert@bindt.org |
Honorary Member | Dr. Chengbin Guo | cbg@mail.ioa.ac.cn |
Honorary Member | Prof. Ferid Herelli | herelliferid@yahoo.fr herelliferid29@gmail.com |
Honorary Member | Dr. Manfred Johannes | mjohannes@csir.co.za |
Honorary Member | Prof. Vladimir Klyuev | spektr@co.ru |
Honorary Member | Prof. Vjera Krstelj | vjera.krstelj@fsb.hr |
Honorary Member | Dr. Rainer Link | rainer.link@gmx.info |
Honorary Member | Mr. Douglas Marshall | d.marshall@cinde.ca |
Honorary Member | Mr. Alexander Mullin | Mullin@ndt-rus.ru |
Honorary Member | Dr. Giuseppe Nardoni | nardoni.campus@gmail.com |
Honorary Member | Prof. Morio Onoe | m.onoe@ieee.org |
Honorary Member | Dr. Norikazu Ooka | nori-ooka@rio.odn.ne.jp |
Honorary Member | Dr. Matthias Purschke | pm@dgzfp.de |
Honorary Member | Mr. Heinrich Theiretzbacher | |
Honorary Member | Mr. John Thompson | john.thompson@ms2.org.uk |
Honorary Member | Dr. Sotirios Vahaviolos | sotirios@mistrasgroup.inc |
WG 1 - Qualification & Certification, Chair | Mr. Alexander Mullin | mullin@ndt-rus.ru |
WG 2 - Membership, Chair | Mr. Joao Conte | joao.conte@abendi.org.br |
WG 3 - Education & Research, Chair | Prof. Younho Cho | mechcyh@pusan.ac.kr |
WG 4 - Communications, Chair | Mr. Shohei Ooka | shohei@jsndi.or.jp |
WG 5 - Radiation Protection, Chair | Mr. David J. Gilbert | david.gilbert@bindt.org |
WG 6 - Condition Monitoring, Chair | Mr. Cesar Belinco | belinco@cnea.gov.ar |
WG 7 - Administration, Chair | Dr. Mike Farley | mfarleyconsulting@btinternet.com |