ICNDT Awards
Since the 15th WCNDT in Rome, 2000, special recognition has been given to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service in their contributions to the various sectors of Non-Destructive Testing. As of now there are 5 awards each named after respected figures in the field of NDT. In addition, Honorary Memberships are also awarded during each WCNDT.
Roentgen Award
Given for major contributions to the science and technology of NDT
Havercroft Award
Given for major contributions to NDT education, training and certification
Sokolov Award
Given for major contributions to NDT research
Pawlowski Award
Given for major contributions to promotion of NDT internationally
ICNDT Young Achiever Award
Given for achievement of young people under 35 in NDT
Please see below for a full list of all award recipients and runners up.
XV | ROME, Italy 2000 | Award Winners:
XVI | MONTREAL, Canada 2004 | Award Winners:
XVII | SHANGHAI, China 2008 | Award Winners:
XVIII | DURBAN, South Africa 2012 | Award Winners:
XIX | MUNICH, Germany 2016 | Award Winners: