At each World Conference, ICNDT presents awards to people and organisations that have made major contributions to NDT. The winners are chosen by secret ballot of the members of the ICNDT Policy and General Purposes Committee, from nominations submitted by member
There are five awards:
- Roentgen Award for major contribution to the science and technology of NDT
- Pawlowski Award for major contribution to the promotion of NDT internationally
- Havercroft Award for major contribution to NDT education, training or certification
- Sokolov Award for major contribution to NDT research
- ICNDT Young Achiever Award for achievement of young people in NDT (<35 years)
The 2016 winners are:
- Roentgen: Professor Tony Dunhill
- Pawlowski: Dr Mike Farley
- Havercroft: Roger Lyon
- Sokolov: Professor Dr -Ing Hermann Wustenberg
- Young Achiever: Dr Alexander Machikhin
Congratulations to all winners!